Create a Free Email in Domain Yahoo

Having email is very important. It is usually used when we register for specific purpose, for example register for facebook, as subscriber, forum, atc. And how to create an email is easy. We can create it by sign up in domain Yahoo. Here is the steps.
1. Click "Sign Up" button to start the registration.

2.  We will see the registration form to register an email.

3. Fill in the blank column in the registration form completely. In this step we must remember the password because it cannot be seen.

3. Retype the Captcha Code correctly in the blank column "Type the code shown". Then click "Create My Account" button.

4.  If our registration is success will show the massage "Congratulations, (our name)". Then click Continue button.
5. Congratulations, our registration is complete and an email has been ready to use.